Appointments are required.
Appointments are required.
Appointments are required.
This class will take place in person at the Main Building.
Appointments are required.
Grades K-5. Drop-In. No registration required.
Appointments are required.
Grades 3-5.
Can you sign your name in script? Can you read something written in script? Come and learn how!
Tuesdays, January 7, 14, 21, 28, February 4 & 11. 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Grades 4-5.
Learn how to play the game from Game Master Chris and continue the adventure!
Advanced Battle of the Books practice.
Interested in 3D printing but not sure how to begin? Join us for a lecture-style program where you can learn how to find 3D prints available on the internet. We will also discuss how to submit 3D files on the Library’s website.
Join the AstroNots for a night of astronomy! Bring your own telescope or look through ours.