Appointments are required. Appointments will be held in person at the Mastic Beach Branch, 369 Neighborhood Road, Mastic Beach.
Appointments are required. Appointments will be held in person at the Mastic Beach Branch, 369 Neighborhood Road, Mastic Beach.
Appointments are required. Appointments will be held in person at the Mastic Beach Branch, 369 Neighborhood Road, Mastic Beach.
Capturing the Human Drama Through History: Author, Garrett Graff speaks about his body of work with particular focus on his oral histories, The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11 and When the Sea Came Aliv
The dates for this series are September 3, 10, 17, 24.
This class will take place in person at the Mastic Recreation Center.
Appointments are required. Appointments will be held in person at the Mastic Beach Branch, 369 Neighborhood Road, Mastic Beach.
Grades K-5.
Drop-In. No registration required.
Appointments are required. Appointments will be held in person at the Mastic Beach Branch, 369 Neighborhood Road, Mastic Beach.
Grades 3-5.
Can you sign your name in script? Can you read something written in script? Come and learn how!
Appointments are required. Appointments will be held in person at the Mastic Beach Branch, 369 Neighborhood Road, Mastic Beach.
August 6, 13, 20, 27 and September 3, 10.
Grades K-5.
Have fun and get creative with Do-A-Dot Art!