Social Work Intern Anne can assist with those who are struggling with locating resources for housing, financial assistance, familial/custodial issues, substance abuse programs and mental health providers
Join certified Silver Sneaker instructor, Jennifer, for a light cardiovascular workout that combines strength and resistance training, balance, coordination, and stretching. Wear comfortable clothing. Resistance bands will be provided.
Social Work Intern Anne can assist with those who are struggling with locating resources for housing, financial assistance, familial/custodial issues, substance abuse programs and mental health providers. Open to all.
Appointments are required.
Virtual Author Talk with Smithsonian Curator Sabrina Sholts
Join us for this enlightening presentation with Smithsonian curator Sabrina Sholts as she talks about how the very fact of being human increases our pandemic risks—and gives us the power to save ourselves.
Appointments are required.
Appointments are required.
Learn to dance the Hustle and Bachata with professional dancer and instructor Michelle Vicale. Let's take a trip to New York City's Studio 54 and do the Hustle! Hustle originated in the 1970's during the disco era. It evolve